Here is the archive of the complete program from September 28, 2013, with the various music pieces edited out in order to make it legal. This was a three hour program.
The little music you do hear in this archive is either “fair use” or else public domain music from Project Gutenberg that I used for a music bed to announce what music was played on the air but which you're not hearing on-line. Yeah, I wanted to make that really clear.
Unfortunately, I forgot to switch to a new CD-R after the first one ran out. So I've had to substitute an air check I did at home for the middle of the program. The air check was pretty bad. I have had to use noise reduction on that audio file, and it still sounds pretty bad.
I have the complete three hour program posted, and I also have the three sources for that program posted separately. The middle part, which is the one with the terrible audio quality, is entirely taken up with reading the mail.
I have separate links to the mp3 files, so you can download them and listen to them on your computer. You can also listen to the files here on-line. I've posted the entire three hour program as a block, and I've posted the parts so you can listen to any of the parts separately, which will allow you to easily skip that second part.
Here is the entire three hour program for downloading.
Here is the first hour and ten minutes of the program for downloading.
Here is the final 45 minutes of the program for downloading.
For those who want to listen to the program on-line here are your choices.
The complete three hour program
The first hour and ten minutes of the program.
The second part of the program; it's about 51 minutes long and the audio quality is not good.
The final 45 minutes of the program.
Click here to go back to the Web page for the September 28, 2013, program.
We enjoy getting mail on Back of the Book. You can reach us through the following means:
Our mailing address is:
R. Paul Martin
c/o WBAI
388 Atlantic Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Email: R. Paul Martin
You can also reach R. Paul on Twitter Follow @rpaulmartin